Well, it's here. Actually, we're about a month into it. The final semester of nursing school. It's time for interviews and studying for the NCLEX in between a chaotic classwork schedule. The good thing is there are NO MORE CARE PLANS!!!!!!! (phew). The bad news is there is a metric TON of other work to do.
I'm feeling really good about this semester. Had my first interview and it went very well. Still thinking about the NIH program and interviewing with INOVA. I start my practicum hours next week in the Fair Oaks ICU, which sounds like it's going to be awesome. At some point, I want to shadow in the ER so I can see if it's something I'd like to eventually do.
In the meantime, I'm trying hard not to be a slacker. I need to work on something every single day in order to keep up with it all. The readings alone are already overwhelming, but the good thing is we're working on all the advanced stuff - we've been learning EKGs, heart attack stuff, trauma, and emergency type information. I'm LOVING it.
I'll try to keep this as up to date as I can, but blogging is sort of a last priority right now, to be frank. I'm so eager to get going with my career so my life can stabilize again. I don't regret going to school, but it's been tough. Now I'm ready to be a useful adult again.