I have to say, on one hand I'm very excited to be done. I'm looking forward to working, having a life again, and being able to do more of the things that I've been wanting to do but couldn't because my time was not my own. I am SO happy for all of the friends that I have made, many of whom will be staying in the area after graduation. I've learned so much in the past 16 months, and I feel like I'm ready to actually be a nurse. My last clinicals and practicum shifts really made me feel that I'm going to do well, even though there is still so much to learn (and I haven't quite chosen a field yet).
On the other hand, I'm nervous for many of the same reasons! I'm nervous that it's time to be out on our own (maybe it's more anticipation, but still). I'm going to miss seeing my friends every day, although I have many promises of hanging out. In general, I'm nervous because I can't figure out which way I want to head. I'm still waiting to hear on jobs. So far I do have an interview at the WHC, but INOVA is taking a looooooooong time to let me know about trauma ICU and the OR. I think when it comes right down to it, I would love the heck out of either job, but I'm nervous about having to choose one.
Well, there's really no use in worrying at this point. I still have two groups papers to turn in and three finals to complete. I have to keep my focus for about 10 more days, and then it's time to practice NCLEX questions! I'm hoping that everything comes together so that I can get my license and start working ASAP... but there I go worrying again!
All in all, I'm in a very happy place. I'm about to be a nurse!