So, where am I now? I've started the application process, although I suspect I won't hear anything real until I actually have my license in hand (the job market being such that it is). So far my interests have been narrowed down to: trauma, cardiovascular ICU or step down, and OR (generally cardiac or orthopedic). I'm finding myself drawn back to trauma - once upon a time I was an EMT and dreamed of working in the ER taking care of trauma patients. After our trauma lectures, I've re-discovered my love of all this traumatic (much to the dismay of some of my classmates, who all groan "ewww" while I squeal "cool!"). So I'm going to push toward starting in trauma ER or a trauma ICU, and maybe come back to more general (or more cardiac) stuff later. I guess we'll see who decides to hire me though. INOVA has a trauma RN internship/fellowship that I'm crossing my fingers for. I think that would just make my day! And since they haven't yet turned me down, I am going with the hope that it means I may yet be in the running for the internship! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
In the meantime, there are projects and papers galore. I managed to get through the vast majority of stress-inducing work, so I'm breathing a bit easier these days, but there is still a ways to go before I can just focus on studying for finals. In fact, there is roughly two weeks left until I can really delve into finals studying. I guess that's the good thing about having the last few weeks in April pretty much wide open!
So ladies and gents, we are drawing to a close on this blog, but I plan to start a new blog once I get out there in the world of nursing. I'll keep you posted!
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