Sunday, April 11, 2010

It's About Time

When I started nursing school at Georgetown in January, they gave us all journals. The idea was to reflect on what we learn, how we experience nursing school, and then to carry our reflective nursing on to whatever practice we end up in.

It's April. My journal is blank and dusty and I think it may be pouting.

Problem is, there's no time. I write ever so slowly and I just don't have the energy at the end of my days to sit and write in it. Since typing is much faster and I spend so much time on the computer anyway, I got inspired by MB to create my own blog. So here it is, a glimpse into my 16 months of nursing school.

"Hold on to your butts!"


  1. ok...pretty exciting so far, lol

  2. 16 months will fast fly by, don't look back or wonder why.
    Many patients you will help, sharpen your needles so they don't yelp.
    When the day is long and the callbells ring, remember your bank account is going chaching.
    Be careful not to strain your back, or a big fat paycheck you will lack.
    Poem is written and now I'm done, remember your mom is proud of you hon.
