Monday, July 5, 2010

Crunch time

So here we are with four weeks of classes left in the second semester. Holy crap, where did the time go?

Since I managed to hang in there and not fail pharm, I'm in a good position still to get a better grade than what I've got. It's going to take some focus, which I find comes in spurts during the summer months. But over the next four weeks I'm going to crank it out and really nail this semester down.

Med-surg exam two is on Wednesday. I had a great 4th of July weekend, but now it's time to strap in and go full speed ahead. I am bound and determined to hang on to my grade in med-surg. So today I will finish the readings and start on the questions from the cd. This afternoon I'm going to get a massage, and then I'm coming back to hopefully start using the NCLEX review questions as well.

And, go!

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