Friday, July 2, 2010

Reigning it back in

So I find myself having a heck of a time with pharmacology, which is surprising to me. I expected this to be my easy A, and med-surg to be my major challenge. As it turns out, those two classes are reversed.

Honestly, nothing is an easy A in this school. I work my butt off on a (mostly) regular basis. But there is something missing in my pharm preparation, and I can't figure out what it is. I read all but 2 chapters for the second exam (which was on Wednesday), and did all the homework, and got note cards. Yet somehow, as I walked out of the exam, I felt abysmal about it. I felt like I had failed.

As it turns out, I did NOT fail. The feeling of relief this morning is great. But I'm still not happy with my grade in this class, so I'm on a mission to fix how I study for it and bring the grade up to my standards. I don't have any idea on how to do that.

For now, it is enough that I have a mission. For tonight, I will map it out. In the meantime, I'm off to campus for a whopping 45 minutes in the simulation lab.

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